Frequently asked questions

What is the name of the product, and what does it do?

The name of the product is groove g4. The product does few things, one of them being the ability to twirl your lace(s) around its grooves transforming your footwear into slip and go .  

How do I choose the right size for this product?

You never have to worry about size selections because all groove g4 are the same size. 

What are the available color options, and how do I select the color I want?

Our product comes in a variety of colors. Please utilize our color selection along with our “Try Twirlys on your footwear” visualizer(Coming Soon)! 

Can I use the product on any type of shoe or with any type of shoe laces?

Our groove g4 is designed to fit most laces as well as any type of footwear as long as it has a laces. We also still recommend checking the product colors to ensure compatibility with your specific shoe style. 

Do I need to cut my shoelaces to fit?

No. Cutting your laces is not required hence why we invented this product to add more value to your footwear 

Does groove g4 support tightness control?

Yes. If you wish to either lower or increase the tightness of your lace, you can do so using the snap function on the product. For more tightness, snap your g4 together and for less tightness, unsnap it.  

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